Gaga, titled "Born This Way Ball Tour" shows that Indonesia is not a fully sovereign state. Restraint of freedom of expression still occurs in countries that have been independent for 67 years.
"There is a tug permission. This is not the law anymore, but a political commodity. And the most obvious, the sovereignty of law enforcement agencies already defeated the interests of certain groups, which do not represent the people of Indonesia," said Chairman of the Governing Body Equals Institute, Hendardi, told Reuters. com, Sunday (27/05/2012).
Hendardi also said the cancellation of these shows triumph of certain groups who do not appreciate diversity in Indonesia. This was ironic given the fact the government's efforts to claim the enforcement of the rights of minority groups went well.
According to Hendardi, Lady Gaga concert cancellations made human rights in Indonesia go back one step, and a lack of assertiveness Indonesian government. If this is allowed to drag on, the rule of law in Indonesia will get worse.
Previously, attorneys promoter Big Daddy Entertainment, Minola Sebayang, say, the management asked Gaga concert was canceled because of safety factors they think are not guaranteed. "If the reasons are very complicated, Lady Gaga's management to consider the condition of minute to minute, with the threats that endanger when the concert was held. Finally canceled the Lady Gaga concert in Jakarta," said Minola in Jakarta.
"It's not just the security of Lady Gaga, but all security watch Lady Gaga," he continued.
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